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Grubies Core Platform

“Grubies Core” enables financial institutions to capitalize on the digital revolution in Nigeria Banking System
The core platform allows FIs to be flexible and stay ahead of competitors through innovative responses to the new ways customers use technology.


Allows NeoBank to leverage the full power of our platform to develop relevant and innovative financial services for their customerss

Mobile Money Operators

Allows MMO to build financial services like POS, mobile banking, issuing cards and offering paperless payments.

Microfinance Banks

Increases financial inclusion with a sustainable and profitable model. We support you as you create a new, autonomous, digital player

      Call us today
+234(0)80 3753 9600
why choose us

Digital Core that puts you in control.

“Grubies Core” is based on an open, flexible, and scalable architecture that enables FIs to create efficient ecosystems capable of smoothly orchestrating interactions resulting in ability to offer increasingly personalized customer experiences.

The platform is continuously deployable, with very low maintenance costs and perfect scalability, well suited to the challenges of Open Banking.

With cost reduction, improved responsiveness, customization of the user experience, and simplified integration with all third-party applications.

It places digital at the forefront and enables users to take full advantage of modern technology.